ROWENACANCINO1719232GO ROWENACANCINO1719232GO Science Answered Choose the pair of body organs that will complete each statement. Write the letters of the correct answer in the answer sheet.1. The ____ system holds the body together, gives shape, and provide anchor points for the _____ system.A. Skeletal – MuscularC. Muscular – SkeletalB. Skeletal - DigestiveD. Muscular – Respiratory2. The _____ system gets rid of carbon dioxide while the ________ system filters blood to get rid of the body’s waste products in the form of urine.A. Urinary – NervousC. Respiratory-UrinaryB. Urinary - DigestiveD. Circulatory–Urinary 3. The _____ system takes in oxygen and the _____ system transports it to the different parts of the body.A. Integumentary – UrinaryC. Respiratory-CirculatoryB. Integumentary – NervousD. Circulatory – Digestive4. When the _____ feels cold it sends messages to the brain to signal the _____ system to pump more blood to flow into the body.A. Integumentary – UrinaryC. Digestive - RespiratoryB. Integumentary – CirculatoryD. Digestive – Skeletal5. The _____ system breaks down food and absorbs nutrients through the bloodstream with the help of _____ system.A. Digestive – NervousC. Digestive - CirculatoryB. Digestive – UrinaryD. Digestive - Respiratory