1. It is the technique of using two layers of fabric, usually with a soft ma-terial placed in between the layers and then stitched together. a. Patchwork b. Quilting c. Crochet d. Cross Stitch 2. It is the art of creating a two-dimensional fabric by interlocking loops of yarn. a. Cross Stitch b. Embroidery c. Crochet d. Knitting 3. It is a needlework consisting of the interlock-ing of looped stitches formed with a single thread and a hooked needle. a. Crochet b. Patchwork c. Knitting d. Cross Stitch 4. The art or process of decorating fabric or materials with a wide variety of thread or yarn color using needle. a. Embroidery b. Quilting c. Patchwork d. Crochet 5. It is a type of sewing or embroidery technique that involves forming a stitch by crossing two stitches with each other. a. Knitting b. Crochet c. Cross Stitch d. Quilting