I. CLOZE TEST: Complete the paragraph by choosing words from the list. Write ONLY the letter of your answer. WRITE YOUR ANSWER ON THE SPACE PROVIDED. A. Two Parents F. Egg Cell K Asexual B. Binary Fission G. Regeneration L. Identical C. One Parent H. Sexual M. Fragmentation D. Internal Fertilization I. Fertilization N. Pollination E. Sperm Cell J. External Fertilization (1.) ________ reproduction requires only (2.)________ parent/s. Offspring have 100% the same chromosome as the parent. In other words, the offspring are (3.)_______ to the parent. It may be (___________4.) that takes place in bacteria, (5.) in flat worms and (6.) _________ lizard and starfish in which it regrows lost or damaged body parts. (7.)__________ reproduction requires (8.)_________ The offspring share the characteristics of each parent. (9.)_________ the joining of the egg and sperm cells. It happens in 2 ways: (10.)_________ wherein the egg is fertilized by (11.)_________ inside the female. Usually takes place in all mammals, birds, reptiles, insects, spiders. (12.)___________ Wherein the (13.)__________ is fertilized by sperm outside the female. The female lays eggs and then the male fertilizes them. (14.)__________ and some amphibians, plants and fungi (pollen and spores).​

Sagot :

1. G
2. D
3. H
4. I
5. B
6. N
7. A
8. K
9. F
10. J
11. E
13. M