1. The family should follow spending of their money a. more C. savings b. wise d. profit 2. Which of the following is not considered in effective implementing of the budo a. Buy all our wants b. Recycle or reuse material s c. Choose a simple lifestyle d. Inform all family members about the family budget. 3. Why it is important to save some of the family's income? a. To have an extra money to buy a car b. To have a lot of money to be shown into your relatives c. To have an extra money to spend in case of emergency. d. To buy toys for the kids 4. This cloth is smooth, durable, and absorbent. a. Wool b. Silk c. Cotton d. Linen 5. This fabric is made from man-made fibers woven into different fabrics like rayon, banlon, this cloth can be easily washed and dried. a. Wool b. Silk C. Linen d. Synthetic 6. This cotton is suitable for the cold season. It is thick and slightly rough. a. Wool b. Silk c. Cotton d. Linen​