What does "polus" mean and how do you use it as a sentence?

Sagot :


Polus sees rhetorical knowledge as something that comes from experience and sees rhetoric as something that is used for evil and serves a tyrannical desire in one's life.

What is the meaning of Polus?

Filters. (Roman mythology) The personification of the celestial axis around which the heavens revolve, and the Titan of intelligence. pronoun.

In sentence:

  1. The pole was called " Polus Doradinalis " by Willem Jansson Blaeu.
  2. Polus had many philosophical views that did not directly agree with Socrates views.
  3. Polus began to sculpt after he was a stonemason in the labor corps.
  4. Shortly after meeting in 2006, Daly and Improgo formed the band Polus.
  5. Polus also saw rhetorical knowledge as a matter of experience rather than an art.
  6. Polus is also seen as calling attention to rhetoric for its capacity for injustice.
  7. But if mall shopping is about atmospherics, Polus Center appears to be a winner.
  8. Another names both Polus and Smartek.
  9. Polus said, " because they had hoped the reduction would be larger ."
  10. It was the second major modern shopping centre in Bratislava, Polus City Center being the first.
  11. It's difficult to see polus in a sentence .
  12. Polus also houses six bank agencies and a post office, as well as a number of restaurants.
  13. Polus and Callicles are both astounded at Socrates'position and wonder if he is just kidding ( 481b ).
  14. All that is known of Polus derives from the Socratic dialogues of Plato, which suggests he was an associate of Socrates.
  15. Polus was ennobled in 1673, and became teacher of the young prince Karl ( later King Charles XII of Sweden ).
  16. After the Lebus forces repel an attack by an army from Polus, Liza and Elen reconcile and Tigre becomes their mediator.
  17. Polus saw rhetoric as the highest of all human arts and thinks that rhetoric is the only knowledge one needs to live well.
  18. Polus believed that experience makes our life to proceed in accordance with art whereas inexperience causes it to proceed in accordance with chance.
  19. He was a member in the short-lived LA quartet, Polus as well as Las Vegas group, Parade of Lights.
  20. Polus advertises rhetoric as the quick route to the life of a tyrant who can run over others and escape punishment for his crimes.
  21. For example, dialectic occurs between Socrates, the Sophist, Gorgias, and two men, Polus and Callicles in Plato's Gorgias.

how do you use it as a sentence?

I live with my family, plus two dogs and a cat." "I added two plus two." "I'm paying the principal amount plus the interest." "How much is the total plus tax."


That's all i know about Polus
