LITY #1 ctions: Arrange the steps. Uze letters A-E in indicating the steps. Write the answers on your paper, 1. Wipe down stethoscope starting at the earpieces (which helps prevent the spread of ear infections if you are not the only on using iſ, continuing down the tubing, and ending around the bell and diaphragm. 2. Store the unit in its protective case after using. _ 3. if you need to disinfect, uur stethoscope, you may wipe it with a 70% isopro 4 alcohol solution. 4. You may clean the aneroid gauge, valve, and inflation bub by wiping with slightly dampened cloth ar alcohol pad. 5. Integrated One-Piece Cuff. You may safely clean the cuffs with a damp cloth (70% alcohol or 0.5% bleach solution may be or washed in warm water (140°F / 60°C maximum) with mild detergent