image B. Directions: MODIFIED TRUE or FALSE. Write Tif the statement is correct and if it is false, write the correct answer on the space provided before the number. 1. Work in pair. Once you have selected a portion of the image, copy and paste it over on the left side of the screen. 2. Create virtual brushstrokes. Change the brush to blend in the effects under the paintbrush tool. If needed, change the size and shape of the paintbrush as well. 3. Open Gimp (Open Source) for Tablet PC. Any version of the program will provide you with a keyboard on the left-hand side of the screen. 4. Use the Artists' Brushes. Switch to Artists' Brushes should you like to create a digital painting similar with anyone of the Masters (Impressionist, Seuratt, Van Gogh, etc.) in terms of color and texture. 5. Using your digital pen, draw out your outlines. Indicate your foreground, middle ground, and background shapes. Prepared by: Checked: mu o.​