HEALTH DIRECTION: Help your friend solve her/his problem using DECISION-MAKING model. One of your closest friends tells his/her problem and asks for your support He got his girlfriend pregnant/ she got pregnant. How can you show your support and stand firm with the morals that having a child should be the choice of matured individuals under the blessing of marriage? Step 1. State your friend's problem be solved with well, she is already pregnant he got his girlfriend pregnant. There nothing you can do about that would mean pregnant. There Torother in so that as in comit they should take the Step 2: Before deciding what to do, you must list all the options responsibility give the child to the captcmage Option A k you're not mebtally stable and physically prepared. Option B Take care of the baby and let him/she known the world. B: . 4 you're not going to give the baby to the orphanage you both need to do Option C: the responsibility Step 3: List the outcomes of each option. List the POSITIVE and NEGATIVE outcomes of each option POSITIVE NEGATIVE 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. Step 4: What are the values to be considered? Step 5: Weight your options and CHOOSE the best option Step 6: Your FINAL decision Step 7: EVALUATE your decision ​