1. What was the text all about? 2. What was the social issue being discussed in the text? 3. What will be your stand on the issue?

1. In literary theory, a text is any object that can be "read", whether this object is a work of literature, a street sign,
2. A social issue is some problem or concern connected to a larger issue that affects society in general. Often, the social issues brought forward in fiction reflect contemporary concerns in the author's own world. This type of issue in literature often shows up as a theme that affects the plot and outcome of the story.
3. What is your stand on the issue" means the person wants to know your individual opinion on a particular problem in society.This question type phrase is asked quite regularly.People want to know your opinion(stand) on a usually controversial issue.You form an opinion on current events and issues that are occurring in the world around you.The asker of this question ,wants to know your feelings on a subject that is happening now.