What is a scale?
What is the home tone of the scale in the Key of C Major?
Where is it located on the staff?
What is the pitch name of the note on the ledger line?
What pitch name is found on the first/second/third line of the staff?
What are the so-fa syllables found on the spaces of the staff in the scale of C Major?
How will you know if the scale is in the key of C Major?
What musical symbols are used in the story?
What is the shape of Febe's nose?
What is the first word formed in the story by using musical symbols?
What did you do to identify the missing words in the story?
What is the lesson of the story?​

Sagot :


1 In music theory, a scale is any set of musical notes ordered by fundamental frequency or pitch. A scale ordered by increasing pitch is an ascending scale, and a scale ordered by decreasing pitch is a descending scale.                                    2 In each tonal group or key, there is one tone which sounds the most stable, like a 'home' pitch. This pitch is called the tonic, and the name of that tone is also the name of the key. For example, in the key of C Major, the tonic pitch is C.

3 The staff (or stave) is a set of five, equidistant, horizontal lines joined together by barlines. The staff is used to clearly communicate musical notation. Note symbols, dynamics, and other performance directions are placed within above and below the staff.

4 Individual tones are specifically recognized as such. Pitches having the same letter name but separated by range are recognized as pitch-classes. Therefore the note one ledger line below the Treble Staff is designated as the pitch “C” (or “Middle C”), but all notes so labeled constitute the pitch-class “C.”

5 The C Clef on the First, Second, Third or Fourth Line of the Staff. The C clef can be placed on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th line of the staff.

6   C D E F G A B C

7 The first chord is C major with the note C itself in the bass. The last notes are two C's – one in the bass and one in the treble. The bass note before that last C is its own fifth: G (note that the clef has changed to bass here). Ending with the fifth going to the first is a strong indicator of any key.

8 quarter note

9 Febe has a nose and an oval shaped