Activity 2-B Directions: Read the following paragraphs and underline main idea. 1. The circle is the symbol of our existence and our life. It doesn’t have beginning or ending and undoubtedly goes forever. Round and round it goes, like a wheel that spins us for mysteries of human life. 2. Poverty has many hands, many forms. One of the hands has a foil and to other, for many young people its bliss and escape, another hand gambles. The most receptive reaches into the purses and bags in search of cell phones and money. You may cut off all these hands literally but still the problem is there. Government must do something to eradicate poverty by all means to fully achieve development. 3. Enormous energy, enthusiasm, and organization drove the reform efforts in America in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, much of it a result of social crises and political movements in the United States. But the “age of reform,” as some scholars have called it, was not an American phenomenon alone. It was part of a wave of social experimentation that was occurring through much of the industrial world. “Progressivism” in other countries influenced the social movements in the United States. And American reform, in turn, had significant influence on other countries as well. 4. The real Filipino is being early or on the dot. We arrive at our offices early; if there are people who come late, they are merely exceptions to the rule and probably have their reasons behind it. Let’s stop insulting ourselves by thinking that “Filipino time” is hopeless; being late does not coil from race, color or origin. Surely there will be individual who becomes late – Filipino or not. 5. Man is distinct from all other life forms in his intellectual faculties and speech. He is born with highly planned and structured social system. His brain and sensory organs are perfectly designed for communication and cohabitation with others. This is a social dimension of man that never stops to challenge every aspect of his being.​