Learning Task 3: In your notebook, copy the sentences below. Then, underline the opinion-markers employed. Then, use them in your own grammatically correct sentences.

1. I do really like haiku.

2. If I am not mistaken, Haiku is a type of short form poetry originally from Japan.

3. In my experience, writing haiku is quite hard.

4. A traditional Japanese haiku is a three-line poem with seventeen syllables, written in a 5/7/5 syllable count, but I think it could be adjusted.

5. It is claimed that you have to strictly follow the syllable count.​

Sagot :

1. I do

2. If I am not mistaken,

3. In my experience

4. I think

5. It is claimed


The above phrases are signal words that

signify statement of one's viewpoint,

feelings, or attitude over an issue or

topic. These are not only used to signify

opinion, but are also used to emphasize the

speaker's idea. The following are examples

of how the phrases above can be used.

• I do think people should still follow

health protocols even if they have

COVID-19 vaccination. ("I do" places

emphasis on the speaker's thoughts.)

• Vaccinated people who contacted

COVID-19 experienced only mild

symptoms, if l'm not mistaken.

• In my experience, people are initially

doubtful of the the efficacy of

COVID-19 vaccine because of other

people's opinions.

• I think, you should consider getting


• It is claimed that people who are not

vaccinated are likely to experience

worse symptoms.