6. Below is a musical phrase in the key of C Major, What are the so-fa syllables on A. fa-fa-la-ti-fa-so B. fa-fa-la-so-fa-mi C. mi-mi-so-la-mi-fa D. mi-mi-so-la-mi-fa 7. What sofa-syllables are written on the staff? A. fa#-mi-re-re-mi-fa# B. la-so-fa#-fa#-so-la C. so-fa#-mi-mi-fa#-so D. ti-la-so-so-la-ti 8. What so-fa syllables are found on the staff in the Key of F Major? & A. mi-fa-la-tib B. fa-so-do-mi C. so-la-tib-do D. mi-fa-la-m​