ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES IN SCIENCE 6 Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank provided before each number.
1. Part of the digestive system where foods are mechanically breaks down.
A. Mouth
B. Large Intestine
C. Glands
D. Small intestine
2. This part helps in the digestion of fats. It also filter out toxins and waste including drugs, alcohol and poisons.
A. Bile
B. Epiglotis
C. Liver
D. Esophagus
3.1f acid from the stomach reach this organ, heartburn occurs. It has finger like projections called villi.
A. Small intestine
C. Rectum
D. Large Intestine
4. It is an enzymatic reactions to improve digestions of carbohydratesi proteins and lipids.
A. Chemical Digestion
C. Mechanical Digestion
B. Large Intestine Function
D. Types of Digestion 5 Which part of the body is the control​