A. Directions: Read the question carefully and write the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which kind of resources are the things around us?

A. environmental C. material

B. human D. non-material

2. Which of the following needs greatest percentage in family budget?

A. cloths C. food

B. education D. shelter

3. What is considered as necessary for one to live or survive?

A. car C. dresses

B. computer D. food

4. Which is NOT considered as basic needs of the family?

A. clothing C. shelter

B. leisure D. water

5. What type of resources where every able-bodied member of the family is considered an

important human resource?

A. environmental C. material

B. human D. non-material

6. What type of family resources where in tangible assets such as house and lot, furniture and

appliances, jewelry, automobiles, and cash are included?

A. environmental C. material

B. B. human D. non-material

7. What do you call the fuels of the human body?

A. clothing C. food

B. education D. shelter

8. What do you call the total income earned by all the members of the household?

A. education C. family income

B. expenses D. material​