Use the diagram to fill in the needed information in the chart. The first has been completed for you as an example.

Sagot :


A.) MITOCHONDRION - Powerhouse of the Cell.

B.) GOLGI BODY - Packaging counters of the Cell.

C.) NUCLEUS - Controls most activities of the Cell.

D.) CENTRIOLES - Helpers in the Cell division.

E.) CYTOPLASM - Consist of of a jelly-like substance where all the organelles are located.

F.) RIBOSOME - Protein factory of the Cell.

G.) PLASMA MEMBRANE - Entering and Leaving the Cell.

H.) SMOOTH ER - Their function is to synthesize lipids.

I.) ROUGH ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM - Their function is to synthesize proteins.

J.) LYSOSOME - Suicide bag of the Cell.

K.) VESICLE/VACUOLE - Storage tank of the Cell.

» CELL is the smallest structural and functional unit of an organism.