DENNISHIRABAN0220GO DENNISHIRABAN0220GO Math Answered Choose your answer inside the box. (Function) (Domain) (Range) (Rational Expression) (Vertical Line Test) (Exponential Equation) (Rational Equation)(Principal) (Relation) (Rational Inequality) 1. An expression that can be written as a ratio of two polynomials. 2. Rules that relate only one value from the outputs to a value from the inputs. 3. A graph represents a function if and only if each vertical line intersects the graph at most 4. This is the set of all possible inputs. 5. The amount of money borrowed or invested. 6. An equation involving rational expressions, 7. The set of all outputs of a function. 8. It is the relationship between sets of values of ordered pairs. 9. An inequality involving rational expressions. 10. An equation involving exponential expressions,