write your own story or experience about different ways of separating mixture

Own nga e, gawin mo nalang yan
kaya mo yan
The challenges are listed after the materials. Before you get started, list as many different ways as you can think of to separate the mixture. The point of this experiment, is to try to think of as many ways as possible, not necessarily just the first thing you thought of. Test as many ways as you can think of, but time them to see which was the quickest. Usually the first thought of method is not the fastest.
In a big plastic bowl or a 2 liter soda bottle that has had its top cut off, mix several handfuls of different sized rocks, gravel, and sand. Separate them!
Mud, gravel and water
This works best in the clear soda bottle with the top cut off. Mix a handful of dirt, gravel, sand, grass, and water into the bottle. Separate them (including the water!)
Sand and salt
This one calls for some tricky thinking. In a cup, mix together equal parts sand and salt. Separate them!
Read this section only if you’re stuck for ideas. Remember, you’re trying to find multiple solutions for each problem, and there is no “right” answer. Whatever works is what you’re going for.
Different sized rocks:
The biggest rocks can be picked out easily. Not so much for the tiny pieces. When you get there, use a sieve (like a spaghetti strainer). Only the smallest pieces will go through. An alternative that I use as an example in class about natural separation is to mix them all in the soda bottle and just shake it up gently. I won’t spoil the surprise.
Mud, gravel, and water:
First I would sit and wait for this one to settle. Really small things will stay in the water (making it look muddy) for longer than the big chunks. I would then slowly use the coffee filter and funnel somehow… see if you can get the water to look clean.
Sand and salt:
This is the toughest one because the size of the sand and salt particles are so similar. Picking them apart would take forever, using a sieve won’t work because they’re the same size. If you go back to the beginning of the article, you can see a clue that involves something called “solutions.”
Not quite enough of a hint? If you mix the salt and sand with water, only one of them will dissolve… the salt. At that point you can use the coffee filter again to filter out the sand. If you want, see what happens when you let this water sit around for a day or two (or boil it if you get impatient).
[tex]Hope it helps[/tex]