SOLISKHENTLOUISSEGO SOLISKHENTLOUISSEGO Science Answered Directions: Read each item carefully. Encircle the letter of the best answer.1. When you inhale, which of the following contracts and moves down?A. bronchioles B. diaphragm C. lungs D. nose2. When you exhale, which way does the rib cage move?A. It moves up. C. It moves down.B. It moves out. D. It stays the same.3. How does the body use the energy released in its cells? A. to rest the body C. for muscles to moveB. for making oxygen D. to lower body temperature4. What happens when you breathe in air?A. The diaphragm expands and the ribcage contracts.B. The diaphragm contracts and the ribcage expands.C. The diaphragm expands and the ribcage collapses D. The diaphragm contracts and the ribcage remains the same.7 THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEMACTIVITY:Interpreting dataStudy the table below. Answer the questions that follow.Types of Exercise Breaths taken per Minute1.Resting 252.Walking slowly 343.Walking quickly 454.Running 60Questions:1. Does exercise affect the rate of your breathing? How?2. What could be the reason for this change?3. Why do you think your heart beat fast after running?4. Aside from exercising, what else can you do to make your respiratory system work well?