Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper
. 1. It is an instrument for writing or drawing with ink, typically consisting of a metal nib or ball or a nylon tip fitted into a metal or plastic holder.
A Pen B. Telephone C. Printer
2 A proper hand over of shift is required to ensure smooth running of the front office shift by the use of
A Guest Folio
B. Cash Receipt
C. Log Book
D. Reservation Form
3. It is considered as the master bill in the hotel which is also known as guest account card
. A Cash Register
B. Message Slip
C. Cash Register
D. Logbook
4. Which of the following is a specialized accounting journal and referred to as the main entry book used in accounting system to keep track of the sales of item?
A Reservation Form
B. Message Slip
C. Cash Register
D. Cash Receipt
5. Which of the following is a small electronic device with a keyboard used for making mathematical calculations?
A Computer
B. Calculator
C. Internet
D. Printer
6. It is an instrument for writing or drawing with ink typically consisting of a metal nib or ball, or a nylon tip, fitted into a metal or plastic holder
. A Telephone
B. Calculator
C. Pen
D. Key Rack
7. What do we call a small card used to open door like in a hotel?
A Key Rack
B. Guest Folio
C. Fax Machine
D. Key Card
8. Which of the following is an array of numbered compartments used to maintain guest room keys?
A Key Card
B. Log Book
C. Key Rack
D. Filing Cabinet
9. What do we call the machine used for card payment?
A Credit Card Machine
B. Computer
C. Software
D. Printer
10. The program that enables a computer to perform specific task, as opposed to the physical components of the system is called?
A Internet
B. Computer
C. Software
D. Telephone