need answers po now:))

The jellyfish is a poisonous creature that lives in the ocean. It does not stay in one place; it floats around. It has long tentacles.
The scariest experience in swimming in the ocean is being stung by a jellyfish. I prefer seeing sharks than jellyfish swimming near me. I believe, its victims are mostly children.
» The Jellyfish is a poisonous creature that lives in the ocean. It does not stay in one place; floats around and has long tentacles.
» Scariest experience in swimming in the ocean is being stung by a jellyfish. I prefer seeing sharks than jellyfish swimming near me. I believe, its victims are mostly children.
- A fact is an established or proven idea.
- Information enforced by solid proofs and verified as true.
- It is studied, experimented, observed and widely accepted as authentic and real.
- An opinion vary from person to person.
- It is mostly based on one's own perception and experience.
- Usually influenced by personal observation, thoughts, and actions.