DIRECTIONS: Read the following statements. Reflect on how the teachings of Buddhism

can be applied in your life.

When ignorant people see someone who is old, they are disgusted and horrified, even though they
too will be old someday. I thought to myself: I don’t want to be like the ignorant people. After

that, I couldn’t feel the usual intoxication with youth anymore.

When ignorant people see someone who is sick, they are disgusted and horrified, even though they
too will be sick someday. I thought to myself: I don’t want to be like the ignorant people. After

that, I couldn’t feel the usual intoxication with health anymore.

When ignorant people see someone who is dead, they are disgusted and horrified, even though they
too will be dead someday. I thought to myself: I don’t want to be like the ignorant people. After
than, I couldn’t feel the usual intoxication with life anymore. (AN III.39, interpreted)