Objective: To apply the learning to real-life situations, you will be given a practical task which will demonstrate your understanding SA Direction: You make an informative leaflet providing the information about your actual consumption of electricity in a year. You may differentiate your electricity consumption every month. Represent the relation using the four methods on how function and relation being represented. Your points will be determined using the following rubrics. CRITERIA EXEMPLARY SATISFACTORY DEVELOPING BEGINNING 3 2 1 Required Elements Graphics - Relevance ! Color The leaflet All required All but 1 or 2 Several includes all elements are of the required required included on required elements were elements as the leaflet. elements are missing well as not included additional on the leaflet information All graphics are All graphics are All graphics Graphics do not related to the topic related to the relate to the relate to the and make it easier to topic. All topic. One or topic or several understand. borrowed two borrowed borrowed All borrowed graphics graphics have a graphics were graphics were have a source citation source citation, not cited. not cited. The leaflet is The leaflet is The leaflet is The leaflet is exceptionally attractive in acceptably distractingly attractive in terms of terms of design, attractive messy or very design, layout, and layout and though it poorly neatness. neatness may be a bit messy. a. The leaflets must represent the information using: 1. Table 2. Ordered Pair 3. Mapping Diagram 4. Graphing