refer to the map of trenches and faults on the next page name one trench and one fault that is near.Need answer Report nonsense​

Sagot :


The PHIVOLCS FaultFinder is an application capable to do proximity searches to active faults. It may be used to determine the location of active faults in an area and to measure the shortest distance between an active fault and a user’s current location, which is determined by the gadget’s tracking device. It may also be used to measure the shortest distance between an active fault and a specific site, which is identified by a user.


The 1,200-km-long Philippine fault zone (PFZ) is a major tectonic feature that transects the whole Philippine archipelago from northwestern Luzon to southeastern Mindanao. This arc-parallel, left-lateral strike slip fault is divided into several segments and has been the source of large-magnitude earthquakes in recent years, such as the 1973 Ragay Gulf earthquake (M 7.0), 1990 Luzon earthquake (Mw 7.7) (Figure 1), and 2003 Masbate earthquake (Ms 6.2). The high seismic risk posed by this fault zone requires a large-scale active faults map, a fundamental data set for seismic hazard mitigation.

Merry chrismast