uue & Section: Score: 1. Choose the letter of the correct answer to complete the statement. Write your answer on Parent's/ Guardian Signature: your notebook. your art. 1. Setting your artwork from paper to computer is known as a. Digitally formatting b. scan 2. digitize your artwork. a. Printer b. computer c. print d. format is absolutely essential to digital painting. Without one, you cannot c. Scanner d. CPU 3. RAM stands for a. Random Access Memory b. Read Access Memory 4. c. Research Access Memory d. Resource Access Memory it into computer is the second: step your image is first, 5. three is using a computer program to transform your work by cropping, editing, enhancing, lightening, darkening, shading, adding color, layering, styling, or just about any other editing graphic you can think of. a. Drawing, scanning b. painting, editing a. Pencil or Brush tool b. Type tool 6. creative or presentation process. a. Digital tool b. Digital design c. shading, tracing 5. This is use to replicate the same pattern or image d. painting, tracing c. Pen tool d. Rubber stamp tool is an artistic work or practice that uses digital technology as part of the c. Digital image 7. This is a graphical control element on which on-screen buttons, icons, menus, or other input or output element are placed. a. Tool bar b. Menu bar a. Tool bar b. Menu bar c. Tool control bar d. Command bar 8. This provides easy access to almost every setting and feature in the browser. c. Tool control bar d. Command bar 9. It contains the basic set of drawing utilities, particularly those for creating and a. Tool bar c. Tool control bar b. Menu bar d. Command bar 10. A tool used to draw or paint a image. a. Pencil or Brush tool c. Pen tool b. Type tool d. Hand tool editing shapes. Teacher Trine H. Mojica Mobile Number: 09179466298 deped.gov.p