Directions: Arrange the word/s given below to show the correct stages in the reproduction, growth and developments of cats and dogs. Use numbers 1-5. Write your answer inside the box. adolescent adult courting and mating give birth fertilization​

1. A D O L E S C E N T
2. A D U L T
3. C O U R T I N G and M A T I N A
4. G I V E B I R T H
5. F E R T I L I Z A T I O N

please answer

Sagot :

i guess






I'm not really sure with it sorry

just correct me if I'm wrong


  1. Adolescent: 4
  2. Adult: 5
  3. Courting and mating: 1
  4. Givebirth: 3
  5. Fertilization: 2