MARIEANTOINETTEMACASGO MARIEANTOINETTEMACASGO Math Answered Find the missing term in the proportion, 3 : 8 = 12 : N a. 96b. 24c. 32d. 29. Which of the following is not a proportion? a. 6 : 9 = 10 : 15b. 4 : 5 = 20 : 25c. 9 : 6 = 12 : 8d. 8 : 32 = 10 : 8610. A piece of cable wire is 8 cm long and weighs 52 grams. What will a 10 cm length of the cable wire weigh? a. 65 gramsb. 55 gramsc. 45 gramsd. 35 grams11. If 3 farmers can plow a field in 4 days, how long will 6 farmers do it? a. 8 daysb. 2 daysc. 10 daysd. 5 days12. Two numbers are in the ratio 5 : 3. If the sum is 88, find the 2 numbers. a. 55 and 33b. 44 and 44c. 66 and 22d. 11 and 77