SOLISKHENTLOUISSEGO SOLISKHENTLOUISSEGO Science Answered Read each item carefully and pick out the letter of the correct answer.1. Which of the following bones protect the lungs?A. clavicle B. ribs C. scapula D. sternum2. Which is NOT a function of bone?A. internal support C. production of vitamin DB. storage of calcium D. protection of internal organs3. What type of joint is shown in the picture?A. ball- and - socket B. hinge joint C. pivot joint D. gliding joint4. Why is the bone marrow important to the body?A. It stores fats. C. It produces red blood cells.B. It makes the bones strong. D. It produces new bone cells.5. All are functions of the skeletal system EXCEPT one. Which is the exception?A. It gives shape to the body.B. It serves as framework of the body.C. It protects the internal organs of the body.D. It converts energy which enables the body to move.6. What makes bones strong?A. silica B. cartilage C. blood and marrow D. calcium and phosphorous7. .Which of the following is an involuntary, non-striated muscles?A. biceps B. heart muscle C. intestine D. triceps8. Which of the following are the best sources of energy for muscle movements?A. street foods, rice, ice creamB. energy drink, bread, chocolatesC. biscuits, junk foods, soft drinksD. whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetables9. What makes our muscles stronger?A. diet B. exercise C. food D. sleeping10. What is the function of melanin in the epidermis?A. provide support for blood vesselsB. to protect tissues from ultraviolet radiationC. to water proof and protect the skin surfaceD. to stimulate the growth of hairs in the follicles11. What is the function of the integumentary system?A. to move joints and bonesB. to transmit nerve provide structural framework of the boneD. to cover the body surface and protect its tissues12. Which shows the correct path followed by the food traveling through the digestive system after it has been swallowed?A. Stomach , esophagus, large intestine, small intestineB. Small intestine, large intestine, esophagus, stomachC. Esophagus, stomach, large intestine, small intestineD. Esophagus, stomach , small intestine, large intestine