Rave and Clyde are brothers, and they challenge each other to save money for 10
days. Rave’s plan is to follow the arithmetic sequence and he will save 5 pesos on the first
day, 20 pesos on the second day, 35 pesos on the third day and so on. While the strategy of
Clyde is to follow the geometric sequence, he will save 2 pesos on the first day, 4 pesos on
the second day, 8 pesos on the third day and so on. They are both claiming that they will earn better compared to the other.

QUESTION: Who among the brothers will earn more in 10 days?
(Answer the question: who among the brothers will earn more in 10 days?)

(From the situation above, give the pieces of evidence that will support your claim)

(Explain how the pieces of evidence support your claim)