_____ 15. A non-volatile memory that holds data even when the power is ON or OFF.
A. Read Only Memory
B. Random Access Memory
C. Read Access Memory
D. Random Only Memory

_____ 16. A magnetic storage device that is installed inside the computer. It is used as permanent storage for data.
A. Optical Drive
B. Drive Train
C. Hard Disk Drive
D. Soft Disk Drive

_____ 17. Enables the computer to use a peripheral device for which it does not have the necessary connections or circuit boards.
A. Power Supply Unit
B. Adapter
C. USB Port
D. Expansion Bus

_____ 18. The main circuit board of a computer. It contains the CPU and all the circuit that connects to other components inside a System Unit.
A. Power Supply Unit
B. Motherboard
C. USB Port
D. Expansion Bus

_____ 19. A kind of entry where data is inputted to the computer through a keyboard.
A. Direct Entry
B. Indirect Entry
C. Mechanical Entry
D. Keyboard Entry

_____ 20. This type of printer Sprays ink at a sheet of paper and produces high-quality text and graphics.
A. Line Printer
B. Laser Printer
C. Thermal Printer
D. Bubble-Jet Printer

_____ 21. A type of display screen that has a touch sensitive transparent panel covering the screen, which is similar to a touch screen.
A. Smart Board
B. LCD Monitor
C. LCD Projector
D. Touch Screen

_____ 22. A device that prints text or illustrations on paper and can also be an input and output device at the same time.
A. Line Printer
B. Printer
C. Thermal Printer
D. Bubble-Jet Printer

_____ 23. These of devices are the physical, touchable, electronic and mechanical parts of a computer.
A. Software
B. Hardcopy
C. Softcopy
D. Hardware

_____ 24. There are programs designed to help the user to perform singular or multiple related tasks.
A. Application Software
B. System Software
C. Software
D. Hardware

_____ 25. These are the people involved in Data processing and has the first-hand experience in operating the computer.
A. Hardware
B. Softcopy
C. Software
D. Peopleware

_____ 26. Which tool is used for hardware to stand on to prevent static electricity from building up?
A. Anti-static mat
B. Philips head screwdriver
C. Hex driver
D. Wire cutter

_____ 27. Which tool is used to retrieve parts from location that are too small for your hand to fit?
A. Anti-static mat
B. Philips head screwdriver
C. Part Retriever
D. Wire cutter

_____ 28. Which tool is used to loosen or tighten screws that have a star-like depression on the top, a feature that is mainly found on laptop?
A. Anti-static mat
B. Torx screwdriver
C. Philips head screwdriver
D. Wire cutter

_____ 29. Which tool is sometimes called a nut driver? It is used to tighten nuts in the same way that a screwdriver tightens screws?
A. Anti-static mat
B. Torx screwdriver
C. Philips head screwdriver
D. Hex Driver

_____ 30. Which tool is used to blow away dust and debris from different computer parts without touching the components?
A. Anti-static mat
B. Torx screwdriver
C. Compressed Air
D. Hex Driver​