POST TEST MATCHING TYPE: Match Column A terms to its corresponding Descriptions in Column B. Write your answers on a separate sheet. COLUMN B COLUMN A 1. tology A Has a single lens B. Contains cell's DNA 2. Ocularlons 3. field of view 4. Head 5. Stage 6 Scanning lens - C. Study of cells D. Used to clean lenses E Has 4X magnification F. Used for precision focusing G. Supports lenses M. Aaises or lowers stage 1. lens below the stage 5. Large enough to see with naked eye K Has 10x magniñcation 7. Atm S. Noseplece 9. Nucleus 10. Slide clips 11. Light source - L Outermost boundary of cell 12. Iros diaphragm 13. Simple microscope M Bottom of microscope frame N. Area of slide visible 14. Plasma membrane 15. High power lens 0. Rotates to change objective lenses 16 Fine focus knob P. Semi-solid substance of cell 17. Compound microscope Q. Has 40X magnification 18. Coarse focus knob R. Venical part of microscope frame - 19. low power lens S. Flat platíom for slides 20. Lens paper T. Eyepleces 21. Gross anatomy U. Adjusts contrast 22 Cytoplasm V. Has a series of lenses 23. Condenser W. Holds slide onto stage 24. Base X. illuminates the specimen​