B. Directions: Identify the mechanism of asexual reproduction described in each scenario. Put ✗ if the scenario that does not describe asexual reproduction.
1. A small structure grows from the parent coral but does not detach itself even until it becomes an adult. *
2. A new organism grows inside the body of a parent animal after fertilization. *
3. The egg cell produces a new individual without fertilization. *
4. A bud develops from a parent sponge and is later released in water to develop into an adult sponge. *
5. Hydra grows a bud from its body and then the small bud grows tentacles for feeding. *
6. Chickens rub their cloacae together during mating. *
7. Due to a strong current, a sea star breaks one of its arms but the broken piece grows into a new individual. *
8. The egg of the female Komodo dragon can develop into an organism even without a male sperm cell fertilizing it. *
9. The male frog puts its arms around the female and releases its sperm cells. *
10. A broken part of the parent grows into a new organism through fragmentation. *