1.what is the common characteristic of a vertebrate ? it ______

A.has a backbone
B.does not have a backbone
C.has a constant body temperature
D.belongs to smaller group of animals

2.what are invertebrates animals?

A.a lay eggs
B.have a hair or fur
C.that don't have any backbone
D.constantly change in form

3.which set of animals is composed of a mammal a reptile and a bird.

A.chicken bat shark
B.frog dog or crocodile
C.Salander milkfish cat
D.Whale snake eagle

4.why do you think some birds have wings but can fly some of the birds___.

a . our half-breed
b . our featherless
c . are too heavy to fly
d . wings are not big enough

5.which description is true about amphibians?

a . they do not develop any lungs.
B. they left legs during their cycle
c . when they are young they breathe on their gills.
d . they cannot live in land but they can live in water .

6 . which of these groups do not belong to arthropods ?

A. arachnids
b . Chrusta ceans
d. mollusks

7.which of the following animals found at home is not an invertebrate ?

a . centipede
b . cockroach
c . dog
d . termites

8.which of these animals are classified as molluska ?

A. Ants
b . centipede
C. snails
D. sponges

9.which of these is not a characteristics of an arthropods

a jointed appendages
C. presence of exoskeleton
d . without a backbone

10.what kind of a worm is the tapeworm?

a . Annelid
b. flatworm
c. round worm
d. segmented worm