what is past progressive or present progressive?​

Sagot :


The present continuous and past continuous tenses (also called present progressive and past progressive) are used when we are describing actions that continue for a period of time in the present or in the past.


Pa Brainliest


The present continuous and past continuous tenses (also called present progressive and past progressive) are used when we are describing actions that continue for a period of time in the present or in the past.

The past progressive tense is used to describe an ongoing activity in the past. For example:

  • John was baking a cake.
  • They were painting the fence.

Often, the past progressive tense is used to set the scene for another action. For example:

  • John was baking a cake when the storm started.
  • They were painting the fence while I was cutting the grass.

The past progressive tense is also known as the "past continuous tense" or the "past continuing tense".