Written Task: Directions: Select the source that would provide the type of information described. Choose your answers from the words inside the box. B. Journals D. Book C. Magazines A. Newspaper E. Encyclopedia 1. Video J. Newsletter H. Blog F. Library Catalog G. Internet - po 1. Monday weather forecast: Fair, warm morning; cloudy with possible rains in the afternoon 2. Covid-19 — Navigating the Uncharted Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., H. Clifford Lane, M.D., and Robert R. Redfield, M.D. (The Journal of Medicine). 3. The Happiest Days of your Life by: Jamie Field 4. Alcohol and Drugs in North America A Historical Encyclopedia-2013 5. 71.3 STUDYING SKILLS Be Bergreen, Gary. Copying with Study Strategies N.Y., The Rosen Publishing Group. 1990 137 p.: ill. 6. A BOOK OF MEDICAL DISCOURCES IN TWO PARTS 7. https://www.who.int/philippines 8. Meet Pat Flynn @SmartPassivelncome.com 9. Eddie Adam's Story: Motivated to Make Music 82,083 views • Aug 6, 2000 10. UAAP Highlights

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