1. The _________________ orchestras are used to accompany dances, songs and

shadow plays.

2. Cambodia has the _________________ensemble while Indonesia has the

Javanese and Balinese gamelans.

3. Most

of the countries in Southeast Asia have similarities in their




types of music performed. Their musical

influences are similar to one another as well.

4. The traditional music of Laos has similarities with that of Thailand and


5. The music of Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia is almost identical, although

their individual political histories differ. They have the same types of

orchestra namely, piphat, kruengsai and _________________.

6. Indonesia and Malaysia have the same musical forms like of Wayang Kulit

accompanied by the _________________.

7. Both vocal and instrumental music in_________________use slendro and pelog


8. Kertok is a musical ensemble from_________________which consists of

xylophone played swiftly and rhythmically in traditional Malay functions.

9. Kompang ensemble from Malaysia is commonly played during ____________.

10.The word Nha Nhac means _______________. This covers a broad range of

musical and dance styles performed at the Vietnamese royal court from the

fifteenth to the mid-twentieth century​