ADINMINOC78GO ADINMINOC78GO Music Answered 1. The _________________ orchestras are used to accompany dances, songs andshadow plays.2. Cambodia has the _________________ensemble while Indonesia has theJavanese and Balinese gamelans.3. Mostof the countries in Southeast Asia have similarities in their_________________andthetypes of music performed. Their musicalinfluences are similar to one another as well.4. The traditional music of Laos has similarities with that of Thailand and_________________.5. The music of Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia is almost identical, althoughtheir individual political histories differ. They have the same types oforchestra namely, piphat, kruengsai and _________________.6. Indonesia and Malaysia have the same musical forms like of Wayang Kulitaccompanied by the _________________.7. Both vocal and instrumental music in_________________use slendro and pelogscale.8. Kertok is a musical ensemble from_________________which consists ofxylophone played swiftly and rhythmically in traditional Malay functions.9. Kompang ensemble from Malaysia is commonly played during ____________.10.The word Nha Nhac means _______________. This covers a broad range ofmusical and dance styles performed at the Vietnamese royal court from thefifteenth to the mid-twentieth century