What I Know

Directions: In this activity, you are asked to answer the following statements by putting a check (✓) if you AGREE and cross (X) if you DON'T AGREE before the given item number. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

1. Seed Orchard is where nut trees are grown for a massive production of nut.

2. Mango, Lanzones, Marang, Rambutan, Chico and Guyabano are fruit trees grown for the purpose of nut production.

3. Most of the people prefer to plant fruit-bearing trees on the cold weather place.

4. Citrus fruit like lemon, pomelo, and mandarin has high market demands and it is best grown in orchard garden.

5. Plant propagation is a method of reproducing, increasing or multiplying plant species.

6. Sexual reproduction involves taking a part of one parent plant and causing it to regenerate itself into a new one.

7. Agricultural Institution is considered as one of the sources of fruit - bearing trees and managed by private individuals. It usually offers landscaping services including the materials needed.

8. Department of Agriculture is responsible for any agricultural activities in terms of producing seeds of vegetable and fruit for planting.

9. Application of fungicide to seedlings in order to avoid infestation is one way to care for it.

10. Seedlings should be allowed to grow preferably in a partially shaded area.​