Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter of the answer in a separate paper. 1. It is the world's largest religion, with about 2.2 billion followers worldwide. a. Christianity b. Hinduism c. Islam 2. It is the symbol that reminds Christians that Jesus died. a. Dove b. Fish c. Cross 3. It is the symbol of the Holy Spirit and Peace. a. Dove b. Fish c. Eagle 4. It is the most important Christian Festivals a. Good Friday and Ascension Day b. Pentecost and Harvest c. Lent, Easter and Christmas 5. It is the Christian's Holy Book a. Quran b. Bible c. Torah 6. How many commandments does Christianity have? a. 11 b.12 c.10 7. He is the founder of Christianity. a. Jesus Christ b. Allah c. Buddha 8. It is a place of Worships of Christians. b. Church c. Home 9. Place of origin of Christianity. a. Rafael b. Israel c. Philippines 10.It symbolizes fertility, feelings, creativity, rebirth, good luck, transformation, health, abundance, serenity, intelligence, happiness, strength, and endurance. a. Dove b. Dog a. Mall c. Fish