Moral Lesson of Today

Happiness Is Not From What You Have It Is About On What you Give.
Happiness Does Not Come From What You Have But It Comes On What You Give.


This is Not a Free Pts. I am just giving Lessons. Dhar Mann Videos became an Inspiration to me.

Dhar Mann always says: We're not just Telling Stories but We are Changing Lives


Sagot :


Happiness Is Found When You Stop Comparing Yourself To Other People. =)


Dont Give Me A Points Ok Lang If I Dont Have Points Im Just Give This Motto

[Sorry For My Bad Grammar]


 For some, happiness is being content with what you have in life. It could come from doing things that you're fond of or interested in, or achieving your goals. It could come from getting recognition of your efforts, having someone to support you in your bad days, and many more-

 So there's a variety of things that happiness can come from. Sometimes it doesn't always work like that. When you always spread positivity to others but you're unable to spread that positivity, love, and kindness to yourself, it's difficult to find that happiness because you're neither content with oneself nor have you accepted your weaknesses and strengths that make you perfectly imperfect.