Learning Tasic 4: Answer the questions below in five (5) sentences. You can cite examples. Write your answers in your notebook 1. What are the benefits of planting fruits and non bearing fruit trees? 2. How do trees contribute to a healthy and safe environment? 3. What are the benefits of having a skill in planting trees? NAME OF TREES 1. BENEFITS 2. 3. 4. 5.​

Sagot :


1.Planting fruit-bearing trees gives us with food to feed our family and offers us with a source of income.We can sell the fruits we acquire from them at markets.Planting non-bearing fruit trees keeps our environment clean and healthy.These trees can be used as yard decorations and provide us with fresh oxygen.Both types of trees aid in the fight against dangerous climate change for both humans and the environment.

2.Trees benefit the environment by supplying oxygen, improving air quality, reducing climate change, conserving water, maintaining soil, and providing habitat for wildlife.Photosynthesis is the process through which trees take in carbon dioxide and generate oxygen for us to breathe.According to the United States Department of State,"One acre of forest absorbs six tons of carbon dioxide and emits four tons of oxygen," according to the Department of Agriculture.This is enough to meet the needs of 18 people for an entire year." Trees, bushes, and turf also filter the air by removing dust and absorbing pollutants such as carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide.Rain washes harmful particles to the ground after they are intercepted by trees. Trees are vital to the eco-systems in which they live, both above and below ground.Long-reaching roots help to keep soil in place and prevent erosion.Rainwater is absorbed and stored by trees, resulting in less runoff and sediment deposit during storms.This aids in the replenishment of the groundwater supply, as well as the prevention of chemical movement into streams and flooding.Fallen leaves form great compost, which improves soil fertility.Elephants, koalas, and giraffes, for example, eat leaves for nutrition.Monkeys consume flowers, and nectar is a favorite of birds, bats, and a variety of insects.Animals eat a lot of the same fruit that we do, which aids in seed dispersal across long distances.Trees, of course, are home to hundreds of living animals.Many species, such as birds and squirrels, are protected from predators by leaf-covered branches.

3.-Trees make living more pleasant.Spending time amid trees and green areas has been found to lower the amount of stress we carry with us in our daily lives.

-Patients recovering from surgery have been proven to heal faster when their hospital room has a view of trees.

-Children who spend some of their time outside in green settings have been found to retain more of the material given in schools.

-Trees are frequently planted as living memorials, memories, or commemorations of loved ones or major events in our lives.
