Read the story and answer the questions T've just got to get my menit badge today, thought Jim. He was lost. His compass had broken when it fell out of his hands and hit the rocks Dad will be disappointed it I dont pass this time. Jm couldnt find the path to take to get back to camp. He saw some boys through the bush- es. They were wearing the same troop number as Jim. 11 just cut through here and get back to camp No one will know I didnt take the right way, but what about the rocks 7 he thought. He was supposed to return with seven rocks that Mr. Sims had left along the path 11 just bring back any rocks! find," he thought. Jim picked up some rocks that looked a lot like the rocks Mr. Sims had shown them Tm herer Jim shouted when he arrived. "Hero are my rocks. Me. Sims took the rocks and gave Jim a funny look These rocks dont have a green man painted on them, Jim," he said.
1. Had Jim been careful with his compass? What makes you think so?_________________________________________________________
2. How did Jim want his father to feel about him?_ ___________________________________________________________________
3. What troop were the boys Jim saw from? How do you know?__________________________________________________________
4. Did Mr Sims know that Jim's rocks were not the ones from the path? ______________________________________________________
5. Do you think Jim got his merit badge? Why Or why not?_______________________________________________________________