Marx is standing on the ground to take a series of photographs of a kite rising vertical. The distance between Luis at (b) and the launching point of the kite (a) is 800 meters. Luis must keep the kite on sight and therefore its angle of elevation must change with height x of the kite.

1. find the angle t as a function of the height x
A. T=tan-1(x/800)
B. T=tan-1(500x/300)
C. T=tan-1(800x/500)
D. T=tan-¹(800)

2. Find the angle t in degrees when x is equal to 150 meters
A. 31.61
B. 11.6
C. 21.6
D. 10.6

3. Find the angle t in degrees when x is equal to 300 meters ..
A. 20.6
B. 22.6
C. 21.6
D. 23.6

4. Which of the following defines an exponential function?
A f(x) =2x²
B. F(x) =2x¯1
C. F(x)=3x
D. F(x)=x²+¹

5. In which of the following is 36x=6x+⁴ clasifio
A. Exponential model
B. Exponential inequality
C. Exponential function
D. Exponential equation

6. Which of the following is common used as a defendet variable in an exponential function?
A. (x)
B. X
C. ²x
D. 2x

7. Which of the following is an exponential inequality?
A. (0.04)<0.2x
B. 30²>900x
D. 64x<26

8. In which of the following is y=2³x+¹ classified.
A. Exponential expretion