1. Common Monomial Factor
2. Difference of Two Squares
3. Simple Trinomial with a=1.
4. Sum/Difference of Two Cubes
5. General Trinomial with a not equal to 1​

Sagot :

common monomial factor

- Common Monomial Factor is a number, a variable, or a combination of number and variable which can be found in each term of a given polynomial. • GCF stands for Greatest Common Factor. 2. Steps in Factoring Polynomials with a common monomial factor: 1. Find the GCF.

difference of two squares

- In mathematics, the difference of two squares is a squared number subtracted from another squared number. Every difference of squares may be factored according to the identity a^2-b^2 = in elementary algebra.

simple trinomial with a=1

- A trinomial is a polynomial that has three terms. The first time is an x^2 term, the second term is an x term, and the third term is a constant (just a number). For this trinomial: a=1, b=5, and c=6. Note that, when a=1, the coefficient will not be written in front of the x^2 term

sum/difference of two cubes

- The sum or difference of two cubes can be factored into a product of a binomial times a trinomial. That is, x3+y3=(x+y)(x2−xy+y2) and x3−y3=(x−y)(x2+xy+y2) .