SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT (Health 9) Choose the letter of the correct answer. 1. This refers to a group of people living in the same place or having particular characteristics in common. a. Community b. Family c. School d. Society 2. Which of the following is NOT a health benefit of a healthy community? a. promote physical activity b. enough budget to support the community c. Increase social connection and sense of community d. Improve air quality 3. Which activity is useful and will help save our planet? a. Dumping garbage everywhere b. Killing wild life animals in the forest c. Planting trees in appropriate vacant areas d. Turning on the lights and leaving them on after using 4. What environmental problem is the result of chemical reactions in the atmosphere that involve sulfur? a. Acid Rain b. Deforestation c. Holes in the Ozone Layer d. Smog 5. What is a biological hazard? a. Organical materials for good health b. Organic materials that threatens health c. inorganic materials in the body d. any materials in the body ​