1. This is the ability of your heart and lung systems to work together to deliver oxygen to the working muscles and sustain energy for a longer period of time. b. Physical fitness C. Sports fitness d. Cadio respiratory fitness 2. How do you define fitness? a. Defined as the ability of the muscles to work over an extended period of time without fatigue. b. Defined as the ability of your heart and lung systems to work together to deliver oxygen to the working muscles and sustain energy for a longer period of time. C. Defined as a condition in which an individual has enough energy to avoid fatigue and enjoy life. d. Defined as the ratio of body fat to lean body mass. 3.. Which of the following HRF measures the flexibility of the hamstring muscles and lower back? a. Sit and reach b. shoulder and stretch c. trunk lift d. arm span 4. Flexibility : Sit and Reach :: Cardiovascular fitness : a.Push-ups b. Crunches C. Step-test d. bench press 5. What component of health related fitness is the ratio of body fat to lean body mass? a. Flexibility b. Muscular strength and Endurance C. Cardiovascular fitness d. Body Composition 6. What does HRF mean? a. Health-Related Father b. Health-Related Fitness c. Home-Related Function d. Health-Related Future 7. The following are the FITT principles EXCEPT: a. Frequency c. Interest d. Time 8. "90-105 minutes, 1-2 minutes rest every set" belongs to what FITT principle? a. Frequency b. Intensity C. Time d. Type 9. It is the mode of exercise being performed. The selection of the type of exercise should be guided by the fitness goal to be achieved. a. Frequency b. Intensity d. Type 10. It measures the strength and endurance of the abdominal muscles. a. Stature b. partial curls up C. mass d. BMI