4. What is the possible cause of a Blow Hole welding defect?
a. Improper manipulation
b. Over travelling speed.
c. Improper groove shape.
d. Too large weaving width
5. Which of the following weld defects does not have any tolerance for acceptance?
a. Under cut
b. Crack
c. Porosity
d. Slug inclusion
6. Which of the following can cause poor penetration and incomplete fusion in welding?
a. Temperature is too hot
b. Gap between two plates is too small c. Improper electrode size and type d. Improper manipulating of electrode 7. Which of the following is the most common cause of undercut in a weld?
a. High an are
b. High current
c. Short an arc
d. Low of current
8. Which corrective actions should be followed in order to eliminate distortion? a. Use proper bead sequencing
b. Tack or clamp parts securely
c. Use low hydrogen type electrode with higher basicity.
d. Both A and B
9. Which of the following amperage should be followed using an electrode 6011, with a diameter of 3/32?
a. 30-40
c. 45-90
d. 150-155
10. Ener is doing the final pass for his workpiece, he is using electrode 7018 having a diameter of 3/32. Which amperage range should he follow?
a. 60-100
b. 30-50
c. 100-125
d. none of the above​