COVID 19 is dreaded due when healed the whole woda. Here are some step for you to allow all you think you must have caualt the virus to take care al yourself and to hp proteccher cale Wete your awin your notebook Arrange the Jumbled sentences to form a logically organlıcd paragraph. Use the transition algnals 21 your dues. Write the letten A-F
A. Aside from taking medicines take good care of yourself toy tekinteni. Line fresh fruits and vegetables, and by saying hydrated
B. However, when you have trouble-breathing seek te help of a doctor, your local Government Unit (tuor your locathethare because they are trained to handle COVID cases
C. Marcover, take over the counter medicines such as paracetamol or incetuminophier when you experience leverer macche
D. So, if you think you have the follow the step oth the spread of the unseen pleny can be prevented,
E Then, monitor your symptorns like Irver hendiche dry cought loss of Sale or laste and feeling tree
F. First, stay home and voluit vone and inspecte room away from other