ACTIVITY 1. Fill in the blank with the correct answer. Choose your answer from the word chemicals hairnets detergents pad instructions bucket aerosol form PPE rubbish 1. Always follow the manufacturer's 2. Should be free of leaks, not smelly and have secure handles 3. Some chemicals are So, keep all chemicals away from the heat naked flame. 4. Food handlers also use and beard nets 5. are chemical-based and can vary in strenge sit is important to follow the correct dilution instructions when using this type of cleaning agents 6. Many pesticides and deodorizers are supplied in this way. 7. The use of is not optional, it is mandatory. 8. Attach the right pad to a polisher for the word to be done. 9. Handle safely and with care. 10. Make sure there are rubbish containers for disposal of collected dirt garbage.​