A. Air pollution 3 A fossil fuel SECTION eneral instruction: Write the letter of your correct answer on 1. The trapping of heat by cases in the earth's atmowhere is called B. Global warming C. Greenhouses affect 2. Some endangered species of plants in tropical rainforest may be B. food supply C. ruszardous waste 3. Which of the following shows the mathematical way of express the amount distribution? A. Carrying capacity B. Density Index of diversity 4. A group of organisms that have certain characteristics in common and are called C. population size A. population B. specie 5. What is known as the process by which a body of water becomes enriched in die phosphates) that stimulate the growth of aquatic plant, life usually resulting in the depletion of A. Acid rain B. Deforestation C. Eutrophication 6. What do you call the environmental conditions that help balance the ecosystem? A. Limiting factor B. Population density C. Limiting reagent D. index of awesi 7. Which of the following is not a natural cause of extinction? A. Competition due to overpopulation B. Catastrophic events C. Disease D. Introduction of non-native species 8. What would the population density be if 50 goats live in a 500 sq. m plot of gass? D.0.11 sq.m 4. 0.01 sq.m C. 10 sq.m B.0.1 sq.m 9. What do you call the maximum number of living organisms of one species that ana istain indefinitely without environmental degradation? Biodiversity B. Population density C. Carrying capacity 10. The building up of pollutants in organisms at highest tropic level in a food cha utrophication B. acid rain C. Biological magnification ​