1. Laos is famous in hand woven textiles for many years. How important to them is wearing? a.) It tells the story of their history b.) It is part of their tradition c.) It is a form of livelihood d.) It is their manner dressing
2. Why is arts and crafts important to the lives of the people of South East Asia?
a.) It provides employment to the people b.) It is just a form of past time c.) They are
obliged to do it d.) None of the above
3. What is the common use of the handicrafts in Cambodia and Laos? a.) For
accessories b.) for daily use c.) For entertainment d.) For hunting foods
4. Which of the following is NOT a common tradition practiced by both the Filipinos
and Chinese? a.) Respect for elders b.) Wearing of white for mourning c.) Form of
writing d.) For hunting foods